4.5 Fragrance
An ideal fragrance policy would disclose what chemicals/ingredients "fragrance" represents or contains. Many companies use fragrance but use it to keep a formula secret or too not fully disclose all the ingredients a personal care product or cleaning product contains. It's important for the consumer to know all ingredients that are in their purchased goods so they then can make the most informed decision for them and their families. For example, a mother may buy her toddler baby shampoo and see fragrance as one of the ingredients listed, she may be quick to think that it is only what gives the shampoo the nice scent but may be unaware that what fragrance actually is is harmful and toxic to her small developing child. The ideal fragrance policy would give each and every ingredient in the fragrance so they mother or the consumer has the ability to research said ingredients, should they choose too, so they have a better idea of what it is they are using on their bodies. ...